Tips for Safeguarding Personal Data

Empower yourself with these essential Cyber Security tips for safeguarding your Personal Data in today’s digital landscape. Utilize Strong and Unique Passwords Increase the security of your personal data by employing passwords that are both intricate and distinctive. Consider incorporating uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters to create a unique password that is not easily […]
What to Do about Slow Internet in the Home Office
What to Do about Slow Internet in the Home Office A few months ago we thought working from home would be temporary: a couple of weeks of remote work was going to help corral this coronavirus thing, and we’d get back to usual. Now we know better, and the things we could put up with […]
Setting Up Your Work from Home Tech
Setting Up Your Work from Home Tech You’ve been told to stay put and work from home. You’re looking around your home or apartment and thinking, “uhm, work where?” You’ve never set up a home office. Here’s help getting you organized to go online and get things done working remotely. The first things you’ll need […]